Panzer, M.A., Shandalov, M., Rowlette, J.A., Oshima, Y., Chen, Y.W., McIntyre, P.C., and Goodson, K.E., 2009, “Thermal Properties of Ultrathin Hafnium Oxide Gate Dielectric Films,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 30, pp. 1269-1271.
PDFThin-film HfO2 is a promising gate dielectric material that will influence thermal conduction in modern transistors. This letter reports the temperature dependence of the intrinsic thermal conductivity and interface resistances of 56–200-Å-thick HfO2 films. A picosecond pump–probe thermoreflectance technique yields room-temperature intrinsic thermal conductivity values between 0.49 and 0.95 W/(m · K). The intrinsic thermal conductivity and interface resistance depend strongly on the film-thickness-dependent microstructure.