Reifenberg, J.P., Chang, K.W., Panzer, M.A., Kim, S., Rowlette, J.A., Asheghi, M., Wong, H.S.P., and Goodson, K.E., 2010, “Thermal Boundary Resistance Measurements for Phase-Change Memory Devices,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 31, pp. 56-58Phonon & Electron Transport at Interfaces
PDFThermal interfaces play a key role in determining the programming energy of phase-change memory (PCM) devices. This letter reports the picosecond thermoreflectance measurements of thermal boundary resistance (TBR) at TiN/GST and Al/TiN interfaces, as well as the intrinsic thermal conductivit measurements of fcc GST between 30 ◦C and 325 ◦C. The TiN/GST TBR decreases with temperature from ~26 to ~18 m2 K/GW, and the Al/TiN ranges from ~7 to 2.4 m2 K/GW. A TBR of 10 m2 K/GW is equivalent in thermal resistance to ~192 nm of TiN. The fcc GST conductivity increases with temperature between ∼0.44 and 0.59 W/m/K. A detailed understanding of TBR is essential for optimizing the PCM technology.