PhD Graduates

Dr. John P. Reifenberg

Dr. John P. Reifenberg

Ph.D. ME 2010. John’s thesis involved thermal transport measurements for chalcogenide glasses as needed for phase change memory technology. John spent a couple of years with the Intel as a process technology development engineer, and now he is working with Alphabet Energy in Hayward, CA.

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Dr. Matt Panzer

Ph.D. ME 2010, Now senior Staff Member, KLA-Tencor. Matt’s thesis involved ultra-fast optical characterization of the thermal properties in nanostructured materials including carbon nanotube arrays.

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Dr. Kevin Ness

Ph.D. ME 2007, Member of Technical Staff, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories. Kevin’s thesis involved microfabrication based methodologies to achieve PCR in compact geometries, in particular a buoyancy drive PCR approach.

Dr. Joe Miler

Dr. Joe Miler

PhD 2012. Now with ARPA-E. Joe’s thesis involved advanced methods for hotspot detection and prediction in microprocessors for applications in Dynamic Thermal Management (DTM). He also conducted research on two-phase microfluidic heat exchangers.

Dr. Zijian Li

Dr. Zijian Li

PhD ME 2012. Now with The Boston Consulting Group, Greater China. Zijian received his B.S. in precision instruments with a concentration in microelectromechanical systems from Tsinghua University (2008), and M.S. in electrical engineering from Stanford University (2010). His PhD thesis involved nanoscale thermal and electronic transport in phase change memory, high electron mobility transistors, and […]

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Dr. Joo Hyun Lee

Ph.D. 2009 (Joo-Hyun’s primary advisor was Prof. John Eaton, Stanford Mechanical Engineering). Now with Samsung Microelectronics. Joo-Hyun Lee’s thesis involved detailed measurements of convection by fluids laden with nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes, otherwise known as nanofluids.

Dr. Joe Katz

Dr. Joe Katz

Joe received his B.S. with honors in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University in May, 2012, and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering in 2019. His research interests include solid state energy conversion and interfacial phenomena. His previous research project involved the study of heat transport across non-planar interfaces. Joe was supported by a Semiconductor […]

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Dr. Sungjun Im

Ph.D. MSE 2006, now with Qualcomm. Sungjun’s thesis involved heat conduction phenomena in multilayer interconnect stacks for advanced integrated circuits, and included some of the first projections of the critical thermal bottleneck associated with interconnect scaling. He now works with the top-notch packaging team at Qualcomm on portable electronics.

Dr. Yuan Gao

Dr. Yuan Gao

PhD ME 2012. Now with Oracle’s Thermal Managment team. Yuan’s PhD thesis involved thermal and mechanical characterization of aligned carbon nanotube films for application as thermal interfaces.