
Inaugural Richard Chu Achievement award

Ken Goodson will be recognized at ITHERM 2018 for contributions to electronics thermal management and will deliver a luncheon plenary entitled “The Heat Conduction Renaissance” this coming June.

Kenneth Goodson receives the Inaugural Richard Chu ITherm Award

The mechanical engineering department chair has been recognized for his significant contributions to thermal management in electronic systems

Kenneth Goodson, Davies Family Provostial Professor, and chair of the Mechanical Engineering Department, received the Inaugural Richard Chu ITherm Award for his contributions to thermal management of semiconductor circuits, systems and devices. The award, formerly known as the ITherm Achievement Award recognizes significant achievements in the science and art of thermal and thermo-mechanical areas of electronic devices and systems.

Initially established in 1996, the Richard Chu ITherm Award for Excellence in Thermal and Thermo-Mechanical Management of Electronics was renamed to honor its first recipient, Richard Chu. Goodson will receive the award at the 2018 ITherm Conference Banquet in San Diego.